1957 | in Darmstadt geboren |
1978/1979 | Arbeitsaufenthalt in Nordafrika |
1979-1984 | Studium der visuellen Kommunikation mit Schwerpunkt Experimentelle Graphik, Hochschule der Künste, Berlin |
1984 | Diplom bei Prof. Helmut Lortz, Berlin |
1984 | Arbeitsaufenthalt in Lateinamerika |
1984-1991 | Mitarbeit in Werbeagenturen, freiberufliche Graphikerin, Berlin |
2002-2004 | Internationales Künstlerpleinair Mirabel, Frankreich |
2002/2009 | Arbeitsaufenthalt in New York/USA |
2007 | Darmstädter Kalenderblätter der Firma Merck, Darmstadt |
2007 | Arbeitsaufenthalt in Shanghai/China |
2008 | Internationales 111 Symposium Teneriffa/Spanien |
2011/2012 | Arbeitsaufenthalt in Istanbul/Türkei |
2017 | Arbeitsaufenthalt in San Francisco/USA |
2018 | Arbeitsaufenthalt in New York/USA |
Essential aspects of my work are the urban and social structures, the density and complexity of a city, the process of constant change, and the resulting upheavals and wounds in a city. During my work stays, I develop thematic cycles based on these aspects, which correspond to the specifics of the respective urban structure. The way I work is a process of collecting, choosing, reacting and accentuating.
»It is not the place itself that arouses my interest, but the atmospheric peculiarity that I can feel in all its complexity.«
Verena Guther